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This part makes no reference to remediation agreements.
Right of first refusal is most commonly seen in real estate, although it is also found in most LLC Operating Agreements, where it resides as one of a number of preemptive rights. Though simply enough on the surface, ROFR agreements can easily go astr …
It is an agreement to repay debt between the parties at a future point in time.
la Commission canadienne de sret nuclaire (Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission), le terme safety, rendu par sret , est employ pour qualifier ce qui a trait la protection de la population et de lenvironnement, et le terme security, rendu par scurit …
Definition of Terms Applicable to this Agreement.
If you would like any further information regarding a vendor finance agreement, please contact us on Tel. No. 0845 060 6116 or via our official Facebook page or Google Plus page and we will be happy to answer any of your questions. Once you have foun …
Our fee agreements contain additional terms to what is listed above.
Written contracts frame the relationship between employer and employee which help to keep the framework of the business intact, and shapes how the employee fits into the business itself. In the case of MWB Business Exchange Centres Ltd v Rock Adverti …
Pursuant to his employment agreement, Mr.
The GermanPolish Non-Aggression Pact (German language: Deutsch-polnischer Nichtangriffspakt;The agreement meant that Germany and Poland could not attack each other for ten years. Polish language: Polsko-niemiecki pakt o nieagresji To allay any fears …
Such representation is indicated by an agency agreement.
Around the world, USAID uses FARAs to reimburse implementers for agreed-upon deliverables that have pre-determined, fixed costs. USAID typically uses FARAs to reimburse partner governments for delivering material outputs such as roads, schools, or el …
Such agreement then takes precedence in the application of remedies for breach.
Learn more about FindLaws newsletters, including our terms of use and privacy policy. The email address cannot be subscribed. Please try again. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. (http://www. …
Similar agreements use convertible preferred stock instead of debt instruments.
If you have in-house Oracle licensing experts you will be able to use an Oracle SAM solution, like Certero for Oracle, to manage your Oracle investments. However, if you do not have Oracle license specialists with the skills and experience required t …
Details of payment and the timing should be included in the agreement.
II. Questions regarding whether, and if so how, high-low agreements affect the likelihood of cases going to trial The Maryland Court of Special Appeals concluded in Maslow v. Vanguri , 896 A.2d 408 (Md. Ct. Spec. App.), cert. denied, 903 A.2d 416 (Md …
Finally, the agreement should include a photo release section.
Queensland Health has seven major agreements that prescribe rates of wages and salaries, and other employment conditions of employees (other than executive service staff and senior officers). The following awards and agreements apply to Queensland He …